Our solution improves employee satisfaction while helping reduce overall costs.


Employee Wellness

Help employees build their goals by offering innovative, high-touch, low-cost healthcare options.

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Hiring and Retention Differentiator

If we want to create a future of work that works for everyone, we need to offer great, affordable care.


Curated and Credentialed Network of Providers

Regarding health, we all want validated, high-performing professionals who are part of our trusted network.

How Does This Work?

Tellus Wellness provides access to Complementary Medicine Practitioners who provide acupuncture, chiropractic services, nutritional counseling, therapeutic massage, and naturopathic medicine.

Employees ("Members" ) have access to our member portal, where they can receive guidance on health issues, find care options using evidence-based clinical approaches, and be self-referred to selected providers.

We use a curated and credentialed network of providers who have cleared background checks and been reviewed and approved by on-staff medical professionals.

Our trusted providers offer quick access to appointments, and they love our innovative payment process, which allows them to get paid immediately.

2 Minute Overview Video

A Plan That Benefits Everyone


  • Differentiator In Recruiting Employees
  • Provide Employees With Great Care Options
  • Low-cost investment in your people
  • Reduces medical and related costs
  • Help Retain Employees
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  • Experienced & Credentialed Providers
  • Fast Access to Care
  • One-stop member portal
  • Up-to-Date Complementary Medicine Information
  • Guided Assessment to Treatment Options


  • Access to New Clients
  • Immediate Payment
  • Personalized Admin Support
  • Belong to Exclusive Network
Become A Provider

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We'd love to work with you!

“…workers receiving the most varied health and well-being benefits are the most positive about their employers, their jobs and their ability to afford the healthcare they need…”    Mercer, Health on Demand, 2023 Report.